Awards Ceremony Simulcast


  • Date: Sep 25, 2021
    Time: 23:30
    Runtime: 04:00:00

Awards Ceremony Simulcast

{"id": "81c0d68b-8d03-4b39-880f-8c5c206e8550", "edition_id": "81793fe3-a1f1-4900-818c-2bdd5f48eb38", "event_type": 7, "venue_id": "da953f87-4d69-4e72-91c1-61486ac8a73a", "banner_url": "/_site/img/library/banner_202191823437.jpg", "title": {"en": "Minnesota WebFest Awards Ceremony"}, "synopsis": {"en": "Join us for the 5th Annual Minnesota WebFest Awards Ceremony. Though the ceremony itself will start promptly at 8pm, we will have a Purple Carpet ceremony from 5:30pm until 7pm just outside of the Minnetonka room.\n\nHosted by Lori Roovers."}, "canonical_name": "minnesota-webfest-awards-ceremony", "sorting_title": "minnesota-webfest-awards-ceremony", "require_ticket": true, "promotion_start": {"date": "2021-09-07", "time": "00:00", "timezone": null}, "event_start": {"date": "2021-09-25", "time": "19:00", "timezone": "America/Chicago"}, "event_end": {"date": "2021-09-25", "time": "21:00", "timezone": "America/Chicago"}, "duration": 7200, "location": "_events/2021/minnesota-webfest-awards-ceremony.html", "ts_modified": 1632087974436, "ts_created": 1631036626938, "local_url": "/_events/2021/minnesota-webfest-awards-ceremony.html", "room_name": "Minnetonka Room", "venue_name": "Radisson Blu"}

This live stream is a simulcast of Minnesota WebFest Awards Ceremony at Radisson Blu.

Can't make it to Minnesota? Join us online for a simulcast of the 5th Annual Minnesota WebFest Awards Ceremony. In addition to the presentation of our awards, we also have some special announcements. Hosted by Lori Roovers.

Ticket Options

  • Online Screenings Pass USD 15.00 USD 5.00 USD 5.00 USD 5.00
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